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Follow Ups and Communications

Communication for business, it is a key function of management, an organization cannot operate without communication between levels, departments and employees or with its partners & customers too.

Communication play an important role in any business, so using of communication services are necessary for operate a business.
Using of communication services your business will get some advantages, i.e. :
1. Communication service can be used for intra - company communications (between employees), marketing purposes and coordinating with business partners, suppliers and customers.
2. Easily can analyze report of communication & it helps to prepare a framework for further communication with customers or partners.

Let know how to use communication, click on Marketing >> Lead. You will be redirected on a page :

Click on Communication, you will get window :

Feed proper information to save communication.

Communication Type : You can select type as "Email or Support or Call or SMS or Personal or Comment or Telemarketing.
Communication Sub Type : You can select type from available list of sub type which is defined in communication's Configuration >> Communication Sub Type.

You can mark this communication as a follow up too.

After successfully communication saved. Record here, i.e. :

After successfully made of followups, you can check followups list on Communication action window i.e : 

If this followups assigned to specific employee then that employee can check followup list in My Followup. Click on My Menu >> My Followups.

Here you can filtered followups too based on its status.

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