- What is salary sheet & how to use in Epan, we have to know what is Salary:
Salary : - It is a form of periodic payment from an employer to an employee. It can be called
wages, where each job, hour or other unit is paid separately. rather than on a periodic basis.
From the point of view of running a business, salary can also be viewed as the cost of acquiring and retaining human resources for running operations,
Salary Sheet : It is a sheet which records wages pay, deduction & net pay amount to an employee.
For generate salary sheet :
Click on
HR > Salary Sheet :
You have to feed proper data & click to add :
Record here,
i.e. : Now to generate this salary sheet click on "
Name" of salary sheet record and you will be redirected on this page :
After updated info in salary sheet, you can generate salary sheet. After generation it does not effect anything until its not approved by HR department.
Actions And Their significant :
On almost every grid in epan, you will see Status (Active/InActive or Draft etc.) and action dropdown.
In salary sheet there many kinds of actions base on status :
- On Draft :
[ Submit ]
Submit : Submit salary sheet for approval.
- On Submit :
[ Cancel, Approve ]
Approve : After submission of salary sheet it can be approved by using this action.
Note : After approval accounts books automatically updated. In accounts there will be an account entry updated for pay salary & liability created for organization.
Cancel : For cancel this salary sheet. - On Approved :
[ Cancel ]
Cancel : Even after approval it can be canceled. - On Canceled :
[ Redraft ]
Redraft : After canceled it could be proceed for redraft.
- On Redraft :
[ Submit ]