Some time updation of new ledger to keep transaction record, ledger could be created for same purpose by mistake with the same name. It could be differ from each other based on name's spelling character.
To get solution of this problem. we have option to "Merge Two Account".
Click on Account > Account Audit Menu :
You will get page :
Here we get two sides. At one side select that account name which you want to remove & other side select that account which record you want to keep.
You can check these two option for updation :
1. Update In Account Transaction : Please tick this option to update transaction.
By merging facility of this accounts, you can also keep record of removing ledger's transaction & it will be merged automatically with new existing ledger's transaction.
2. Update In Account Entry Template : Please tick this option to update custom account entries template.
By merging facility of this accounts, you can also keep record of removing ledger info in "Custom Account Entries" & it will be updated automatically with existing ledger info.
So using this option you have successfully merge two ledgers.