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Configurations are necessary for working in HR application.
For examples : For allow leaves to employees according to their designation / post, you can select 'Leave Template' during addition of new post for organization / company.
Follow this guide to configure basic requirements for HR application.

  1. Working Week Days :
     - Working week days is the part of the seven-day week days devoted to labour.
    You have to click the HR application menu & select the 'Configuration' sub menu :
    You get the page :

    Now you can select the days of list & click to Save :
  2. Official Holiday :
     - It is a public holiday, national holiday or legal holiday is a holiday generally established by law and is usually a non-working day during the year.
    You have to click the 'Official Holiday' side bar menu on configuration page & get the page :

    Now you can add official holiday. It can also be edit &delete.

    You can feed proper data & click to add.
    Name : To identify holiday.
    From Date : Beginning date of holidays.
    To Date : Ending date of holidays.
    Type : Please select type of holiday. It can be "Official, Government, National, International, Other" etc.

    You will get the record, i.e.  :

  3. Leave Template :
    This template used for allow leaves to employees.

    Before addition of leave templates you have to insert record of leaves. It is necessary to add leave templates.

    You have to click the 'Leave Template'  on side bar menu & get the Leave Template' page :

    Now you can add the Leave according per norms of your organization. It can be 'edit & delete " too.

    Please feed proper data according to organization firm
    Name : Default name of Leave .
    Is Yearly Carried Forward : Please tick, if you want to use this leave in every year for carried forward continuously. 
    Type : It can be of type "Paid" & "Unpaid".
    No. Of Leave : Mention no. of leaves.
    Unit : Please select unit, it can be "Monthly or Quarterly or Weekly or Yearly".
    Allow Over Quota : Please tick, for allow over quota. Its mean employee can take extra leave more than declared 'No. of leave'.

    After addition record here i.e. :

    After addition of leaves, add leave templates.

    Info for leave template :

    After insertion record add its detail by clicking of "Detail".

    After clicked on detail you will get a nested window, i.e :

    Feed proper data info for add details.

    Template detail record here, i.e. :

  4. Salary Template :
    This template used for associate salary to employees.

    Before addition of salary templates you have to insert record of salaries. It is necessary to add salary templates.

    You have to click the 'Salary Template'  on side bar menu & get the Salary Template' page :

    Now you can add the Salary according per norms of your organization. It can be 'edit & delete " too.

    Please feed proper data according to organization firm
    Name : Default name of Salary .  
    Type : It can be type of "Salary or Allowance or Deduction".
    Add Deduction : It can be type of "add or deduction or dummy"
    Unit : Please select unit, it can be "Month or Leave". 
    Order : It is most important to set the ordering for calculation of salary. 
    Default Value : It can be format of value or it can be format of Formula. For create formula use declared hints on the top of table records.
    For example :
    TA (Travel Allowance) : It can be of 20 % of Basic. Then you can declared like         (({Basic}) * 12) / 100) 
    Note : Use of this two braces { } is compulsory to use the "Defined Salary Names" in formula to calculate value.
    In this example your TA will be (({50000}) * 12 ) / 1000) = 6000

    After addition of salary info, record, i.e. :

    After addition of salary, add salary templates.

    Info for salary template :

    After insertion record add its detail by clicking of "Detail".

    After clicked on detail you will get a nested window, i.e :

    Feed proper data info for add details.

    Template detail record here, i.e. :

  5. Misc Config :
    You can configure miscellaneous setting.
    For Treat Holiday Between Leave :
    You can set leave configuration as "As a Holiday" or  "As a Leave".

    You successfully update information, i.e. :

  6. Pay Slip Layouts :
    You have to click the 'Pay Slip Layouts' side bar menu on configuration page & get the page :

    Epan has facility to generate pay slip of any employee.
    After full calculation if you want to print pay slip with its amount detail. For print pay slip you need to set pay slip layout and this is the place where you do it. There is just one fields, payslip. To display information like "company name" etc. you can place spots ( { anything in between curly braces } ). The spots you can use are listed as field hint.

You have successfully configured the miscellaneous setting in HR configuration, now you can use HR application.

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