New project can be made by clicking on "Add Project" and filling required information.
On project grid, you can see the overview of projects (% completed, task status etc.)
Clicking on the project name will navigate to task list page.
On the very top of the page you can see your own progress and projects progress in total. When clicked on status, it shows employees with their task status (pending task, current task, hours elapsed etc.). "View all task/request" displays all the tasks of current project.
Below it is filter panel, which helps in filtering tasks depending on their starting date, deadline and priority.
Adding New Task :
Task Name : name of the task
Assign To : Employee to whom you want to assign this task
Priority : Priority of tasks. Tasks are shown on grid depending on their priority (Critical,High,Medium, Low )
Starting Date : starting date/time of task
Deadline : Deadline of task (If not filled, it will be similar to starting date)
Estimate time : Approximate completion time (can be left empty)
Description : Description of task
Recurring Task : If you want the task to periodically recur then you need to fill these information (there are many instances when you will want a task to recur, one being electricity/phone bill deposit which recurs monthly)
Repeat Task => checked
Time Gap => daily/weekly/fortnight/monthly/weekly ...
Reminder : If you want to get reminded before task is getting stared or is going to end.
Set Reminder => checked
Remind Medium => SMS/Notification/Email (can select all three)
Remind corresponding to => starting date or deadline
Remind To => Can select multiple employees
Remind Value => Any amount of numeric time (1/2/10 ...)
Remind Unit => Any time unit (minutes/days ...)
Example (10 minutes/ 1 Day)
Tasks panel is divided into three parts :