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Currency Mangement

Currency : It is a type of Tokens which used as money in a country. In addition to the metal coins and paper bank notes, modern currency also includes checks drawn on bank accounts, money orders, travelers checks etc.

Click on Account > Currency Management Menu :

You will get page :

After clicking on "Add Currency", you will get window, i.e. :

Details For Currency :

Name :  Name to identify currency. like "INR, Dollar" etc.
Value : Value of currency according market based value.
Icon : Mention icon here.
Integer Part : Set the name for Integer part of currency. For displaying the amount in words in bills & invoices.
For example : Let us two example for understand it what is integer part and fractional part. 
 - First example of Indian Currency(INR). In indian currency "Rupees" is integer part & "Paise" is fractional part.
 - Second example of US Currency (Us Dollar). In dollar "Dollar" is integer part & "Sent" is fractional part.
Fractional Part : Set the name for fractional part of currency. For displaying the amount in words in bills & invoices
Prefix : Set the prefix for displaying the amount in words in bills & invoices.
Postfix : Set the postfix for displaying the amount in words in bills & invoices.

After insertion record here, i.e. :

Now you can manage accounts application so doing first transaction in account you have to move to ' Transaction Lister' .

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